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Everyone send happy thoughts to Towelphaser! He�s having the kind of shit day that makes my bitching seem�well, fairly petty. But hey. If the fear of retribution, or even eternal damnation, doesn�t stop the bitch train, fear of pettiness sure as fuck ain�t gonna. So it�s full speed ahead. I�m an artist, dammit.

I walked out into the hall of my apartment building yesterday and noticed that my next-door neighbors were burning a lot of incense. It was actually pretty nice incense (pothead college students know from sandalwood, yo), so it didn�t bother me. When I got down to the second floor, I realized WHY they were trying so desperately to create a pleasant aroma. My downstairs neighbors were at it again. You think I�m exaggerating here, but I�m telling you, this is the kind of stink that would have you down on your knees begging for mercy. A rutting musk ox would smell this and go �Whoa lordy! That�s a little funky!� It smells like they�re rendering human flesh or something. I pass their door and cover my mouth for fear I�m inhaling the gaseous essence of the local working girls. I have visions of a microphone being shoved in my face as I say �No, they kept to themselves, mostly. Seemed so polite, too.�

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