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I love that the newest Politically Correct terminology for �mentally handicapped� is �developmentally delayed.� Is it just me, or is that a bit�over-optimistic? To me, that says that the Genius Jet has experienced the tiiiiiiniest bit of extra-chromosonal turbulence while coming in for a landing at the Brainport, but they�re going to circle a few times and take another go at it, and all passengers will receive complimentary drool bibs in the interim. Sorry for the delay, Corky! Not to worry, if you try hard enough you�ll get there someday! �Developmentally delayed.� Sheesh. Like they got caught in traffic on their way to the MENSA meeting.

I think I just signed my admission papers for the ninth circle of Hell with that single paragraph. They�re clearing a space for me right now in one of those special �submerged in boiling blood, prodded with pointy objects, listening to Kenny G on repeat� Torture Tanks so popular with Italian Renaissance poets and repressed businessmen. Oh well. I didn�t have any immediate plans for the future of my immortal soul anyway.

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