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Ah, the warm embrace of a cider hangover: the blinding headache, the crippling nausea, the paralyzing dizziness. Brings back memories, it does. I only wish those memories had been brought to my attention before I guzzled all that Macintosh Cider on my balcony last night in an impromptu �Hooray, for it is fall!� celebration. But it was so yummy, and the bottle had such a pretty picture of a plump and hale red apple, giving a very misleading impression of wholesomeness! Curses.

I feel even worse this morning, in fact, than I did on Saturday and Sunday mornings put together, even though J and I decided to be both swanky AND economical by purchasing martini fixins and playing �shaken, not stirred� in my apartment all weekend. My bra, incidentally, now smells of gin: as I was discussing with the lovely Stormyclaude just the other day, martini glasses are spilly motherfuckers. Trying to drink out of one whilst reclining on a couch and laughing leads to much pouring of liquor on oneself, totally destroying the aforementioned effect of swankiness. Please to take this under advisement, especially if you are planning to accrue a debilitating hangover that might make the odour of alcohol wafting up from your breasts rather less appealing than it otherwise would be.

So, yeah, it was a good weekend all told, despite the foiling of my plans to take it easy in preparation for the tank-up that New York promises to be. Speaking of which, J gave me a nice little prezzie in honour of my flying to New York on September 11:

Yes. Yes, that is a box cutter. Yes, it is in very poor taste, and my peals of laughter upon receiving said gift were as the blows of a hammer driving the last nail into the coffin that holds the sad remains of my soul, for I am now surely going to Hell. Have I finally done it? Will you, my faithful readers, finally rise up in revolt, pelting me with a furious barrage of outraged e-mails? �Well, it�s about time. I was starting to wonder about you people.

Oh, hey, look! Someone stole my idea, and, er, improved it vastly. Fuckers.

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