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Public service announcement: Apologies to anyone who has e-mailed me and not received a response. Apparently our mail server is taking a �personal day� or some fucking thing. I don�t know. I�m cut off from the world. This is my message in a bottle. Please send help�preferably in the form of brandy delivered by nubile young firemen.

�who will have to carry me out of here, as I�m presently in the throes of orthopedic agony. Yep, I�m breakin� in the boots, a punk rock rite of passage I�ve endured many a time since I was a wee spiky-haired lass. It�s an arduous process, involving much blood, sweat and tears, not to mention Band-Aids. Ordinarily I�d give my feet a bit of a rest after a full weekend of limping, but these fuckers have to be softened up enough for me to wander the moors by next week. Although come to think of it, a tragic limp would really add to the whole Bronte idiom. If I could just catch a case of The Consumption before then, I could really pine away in style. I think a nasty cider hangover will probably have to suffice, though.

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