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First of all, go read Towelphaser�s brilliant postmodernist critique of Catcher in the Rye over at Classic My Ass.

Secondly, gimme some lovin�! It�s my birthday. The big two-five. Apparently this one is supposed to be some sort of milestone, but I figure if I keep my head down and a beer in each hand I can coast the wave of denial right through �till retirement.

I did, however, buy myself a few birthday gifts:
These boots were made for kickin'

Oh baby. Fourteen-hole steel toe boots, completely vegetarian. Why should cows suffer just so that I can kick some everlovin� ass? And an 1890s edition of Robert Elsmere by Mary Augusta Ward, which is out of print and moderately hard to come by. (Any other hard core lit geeks out there should check out Abe Books. It�s a total orgy of sweet-ass rare and out-of-print shit.)

Tonight I�m going to stuff myself with Sri Lankan food with a modest gathering of friends, then I�m going to go out and see if I can�t end the evening barfing curry. A fitting entry to my mid-twenties, I reckon.

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