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In an ironic twist of fate, for the past two days I have actually been sick, and unable to stay home from work as my supervisor is absent, leaving me in charge of this little horrorshow. It�s good to know that karma now comes in instant form. Hear that, Mr. Biafra? You can now effectively ask that the Powers That Be give you convenience AND give you death! And none too soon, you arrogant poof. Just kidding! I love ya, Jello, you mangy mouthpiece!

The German judge gave me a 9.5 on that particularly athletic digression. Thank you.

So, yeah. My people �skills� have been especially strained this week. Although my clever tactic of taking a blanket approach to rudeness, so as not to cause undue shock or alarm when I have a decent excuse for it, has caused business to progress pretty much as usual.

Oh, and there�s a fab new Classic My Ass entry, wherein Towelphaser lays the boots to Rudyard Kipling and proves that brevity is indeed the soul of wit.

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