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Save me! Send help! I am so fucking busy! Right now, sitting at home in front of my computer, after working my ass off for nine and a half hours straight, I am SO FUCKING BUSY. Today was my FIRST DAY on the new job, and my boss wants me to provide input tomorrow on how we can streamline our photo distribution process and better coordinate the briefings on project announceables (yes, Microsoft Word, I know that�s not a real word, and I claim no responsibility) with regional MPs. What? With the who? Where? Whaa? Guh? Bluh? AAAUGH.

Yesterday was similarly horrorshow, with the better part of the afternoon being spent hastily and furtively copying my bookmarks to disk, clearing my History folder, deleting my cookies, and clearing my approximately twenty hundred bajillion personal files from the network drive in preparation for my departure from the old job. Fortunately, Operation Secret Slacker went off without a hitch, and my former bosses will remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that I�ve spent the past three years doing nothing at all. Ha HA!

Enough about work. Here are some festive Halloween decorations, created by my own loving hands. I am crafty like ice is cold!

Pumpkin candles!

Stained glass pumpkins!

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