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And behold, today shall be a day of mighty irritation, and lo, thou shalt roll thine eyes threescore and seven times, and thou shalt curse the infidel Communications unit sevenscore and four times, and it will Not Be Good.

Stupidhead is off today because her daughter has a rash, or something � I like how she�s a hypochondriac on her daughter�s behalf � and our admin is in Toronto because her sister-in-law is in a coma and has had to have her premature baby delivered by C-section (which, if it isn�t true, is the single best contrived excuse for missing work I�ve EVER heard, and I�m jealous I didn�t think of it first). The upshot of all these medical emergencies, fictitious or otherwise, being that I am steering this little ship of fools myself. Makes me wish my friends and family weren�t quite so hale of limb, you know? A quick pop to the hospital and then an afternoon of vague distress punctuated by bracing pints of lager sounds like a not-so-bad way to spend my working hours, unlike working, which sounds right now like the death knell of my tenuous grip on sanity. Blarg.

Weekend blah. I went to see Underworld: I entered the theatre with low expectations and still managed to be disappointed. That movie wasn�t worth the price of the twenty-sided die they rolled to come up with the �plot�. But then I rented Reanimator on the way home, and life was good again.

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