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Thank god it�s Friday! Thank god we have laws, or I�d have killed someone by now for saying that! I hate pathetic, way-AM office-elevator conversation, especially on Fridays: someone always comes out with �Thank god it�s Friday!� like it�s some sort of original sentiment, and then someone else always agrees with them, and the both of them chortle conspiratorially like they�re being so cunningly subversive and clever, and I want to kill myself. Just drink your coffee, people, and stand motionless and silent in the elevator as though it is your own personal upright coffin, which in a symbolic sense it sort of is. If you must thank �god� for something (notice my plucky refusal to capitalize there), thank him that there�s not really any such thing as the Fashion Police because if there were you�d be looking at 25 to life for those shoulderpads alone WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING ARE YOU BLIND FUCK.

I think I need a cup of coffee.

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