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Well, in two hours I�m fucking off and heading to the airport. Box cutter jokes aside, I do kinda wish it wasn�t this particular anniversary. What the hell can I possibly say to someone who is remembering firsthand what happened two years ago? Fucking NOTHING, that�s what. Especially since I�m actually medically incapable of expressing a serious emotion without the help of sarcasm. It�s a tough cross to bear.

Anyway. New York! Woo! I�m champing at the bit to get the fuck out of Dodge. You�ll be pleased to hear that, according to the detailed update of this morning, my boss�s allergies, which have been bothering her a lot lately (leading to much raucous nose-blowing in the next cubicle), are causing much less of a problem today thanks to a new prescription nasal mist. I KNOW. The excitement is almost too much to bear. Now I�m going to be distracted and impatient all weekend, eagerly anticipating Monday�s continuation of a Tale of Two Sinuses. Damn it ALL, I say!

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