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I watched Jennifer Jason Leigh slur and snog her way through Mrs Parker and the Vicious Circle last night, and I swear I have a sympathy hangover today. Great movie, of course. �I like to have a martini, two at the very most; after three I�m under the table, after four I�m under my host!� Word, Mrs Parker. Word.

My poor friend Monster managed to break her leg this weekend while doing something involving a raft and a very fast-moving and rocky river. I can�t imagine exactly what any logical person could think to do anywhere near fierce rapids, other than cross a bridge over them, perhaps, say if a pub was on the other side. I seem to be lacking some sort of elemental drive when it comes to these �exciting� outdoors-y pursuits � my brain simply can�t fathom the logic of flinging oneself about on pointy rocks and sheer walls of ice and that manner of thing. Isn�t that the kind of activity that should be undertaken only when stranded in the wilderness after a plane crash, whilst running from a bear? Voluntary submission to those types of conditions seems rather self-defeating to me. I mean, what�s the point of evolution if we�re just going to merrily abandon our painstakingly constructed pointy-rock-and-bear-free environments? I�ll concede that it is fun to live a bit dangerously every once in a while, but isn�t that what cheap vodka and dirty pub washrooms are for?

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