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The writers here have decided that �implement� is the word to use when speaking about building new classrooms. As in, �your request for funding to implement three new classrooms.� Those fucking, fucking fucks. I�d like to use a particularly pointy �implement� to gouge out their non-dictionary-reading eyeballs. I hope that someday they come to see the irony of trying to use �fancy� words to sound more intelligent. I hope that someday I come to see the irony of being paid as a glorified secretary while these slack-jawed berks get to put �writer� on their r�sum�s.

Sorry, just had to get that little nugget of mid-week angst out of my craw. After what I saw last night, I really can�t justify complaining about my lot. Do ya wanna know what I saw? Do ya? Huh? Oh man.

Walking home yesterday evening, I passed a panhandler on the street. He was missing a hand. And�wait for it�he was using a PLASTIC CUP over his STUMP to play SLIDE GUITAR. He was singing a blues song, the lyrics to which went something like �I got the blues�I�m a man who knows about loss.� I�ll fucking say! Is it OK that I nearly lost it and burst into hysterical laughter right there on the street? No? Just checking.

(Hey, is a panhandler with only one hand known as a �panstumpler�? Ha! A ha ha!)

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