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Barely functional today. Extra cranky. Somehow I ended up in a �lounge� last night infested with shrieking girls with body glitter liberally dusting their preponderance of exposed cleavage. A stagette party came stumbling in around midnight on one of those retarded scavenger hunts. �If they�ve got �a punch in the face� somewhere on their list, I volunteer to provide that item,� I said, shortly before I decided I was WAY too tired, old, and sentient to be in such a place, and accordingly fucked off. Today I wish the rest of the world would do the fucking off. Especially those particularly odious government minions who write sentences like �The Strategy�s goal is to support youth faced with barriers to integrate themselves into the labour market; this does not include financing the operations of detoxification centres.� Blarg! I hope a fucking flesh-eating disease causes their fingers to fall off, sparing me forevermore the agony of editing this bilge.

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