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An evening of takeout food and indolence, along with television aimed at a common denominator so low it�s thermally insulated against the molten heat of the Earth�s freaking CORE, have refreshed my spirits. I feel more like a human being again today, and much less like some grunting, shuffling, devolved proto-hominid.

And speaking of grunting, shuffling, devolved proto-hominids � Joe Millionaire concluded last night. Oh Evan! Have you found the love of your life in Zora? Are you going to drag your knuckles off into the sunset together? It�s so romantic! And oh, the SHOCKING TWIST! Which was so very SHOCKING and not at all PAINFULLY PREDICTABLE! What a letdown. Come on, Fox. I�m used to seeing million-dollar cheques doled out to reality TV contestants, but I�d like to at least see them eat some bugs first, especially when one of them is so evolutionarily suited to that sort of thing.

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