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"Labial pipe: an organ pipe having lips." Bwahaha!

Does anyone else think I have way too much fun at the expense of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary?

One more, though: "harridan." Harridan is my new favourite word. I actually toyed with the idea of renaming the site "Harridan" because I think it rather suits me. However, I'm still very fond of "Groovy Decay." Not that anyone ever gets the reference -- usually they take it to mean that I'm some sort of despondent-yet-beatific hippie/goth hybrid (heaven fucking forfend). Fifty points and a Date with Robin go to the first contestant who can correctly identify the source of the phrase. C'mon boys, make with the Google searches.

So I went grocery shopping yesterday. When I got to the till, I noticed that the bunch of grapes I was purchasing cost me eleven dollars. ELEVEN fucking DOLLARS. Shit on a stick! I know they're out of season, but what the fuck? They're GRAPES. They're not even fermented grapes in a bottle. Were they exported from a bazaar in Marrakesh on the back of a fucking camel or something? At that price, they ought to come with someone to peel them for me, that's what. (That date is sounding better all the time, isn't it boys?)

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