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Happy hangover day, everyone! Last night�s party was pretty much what I expected � mildly diverting, but mostly from an anthropological perspective. It was peopled mostly with the kind of guys who (I heard this several times last night) call each other �fag� in a jovial/derogatory manner. Personable enough, as long as you�re not gay, but not my people.

Reinforcing the stereotypes about frat guys, I actually had my ass groped, which was�well, refreshing, actually � nobody has shown an interest in navigating my nether regions in some time � but unsettling, happening as it did in the middle of what I thought was a fairly rational and adult discussion about Native rights in Canada (�Yeah, it�s amazing the general low level of awareness about treaty rights and�hey, that�s my ass.� I�m willing to bet that that particular sentence has never been uttered before in all of human history).

Here is a photo of the festivities, with a disclaimer: Budweiser was the only beer available at the time this picture was taken. I don�t want you getting the idea that I�d willingly put that swill in my face. I have a reputation to consider.

Happy New Year, fuckers!

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