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I went out for pints last night for the first time in about a century. It felt strange being out of my cave, actually interacting with another human being � in this instance, a friend of mine who has recently moved to Toronto. Everyone I know is either actively in the process of leaving Ottawa or is desperate to be gone. It�s a mass exodus. It�s like we�re all scrambling to get out of the way before some horrible doom descends upon the national capital. Like a meteor! A meteor would be cool. Unfortunately, said impending doom instead takes the form of a great stinky heap of boredom.

I just got back from a run. As I was dodging tourists in the Market, a shuffling bum called out to me as I passed, �You�re doing a great job, miss!� Why thank you, kind sir! I like to think of my ass as a work in progress.

And�that�s pretty much all I have for you. I think my trans-continental move might come too late to save me from becoming indescribably boring. I�m going to go settle my work in progress on the couch.

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