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I watched Let Sleeping Corpses Lie last night, and loved it, naturally. 28 Days Later owes a huge debt to this movie (urban-London-montage-set-to-disturbing-music opening sequence? Check. London-to-Manchester road trip? Check. Picturesque-but-desolate English countryside? Check. Red-eyed super-aggressive zombies brought into being by ill-advised government experiments? Check), which, in turn, owes a huge debt to Night of the Living Dead. All roads lead to Romero.

Here endeth zombie geek mode. Today I had my farewell lunch with my soon-to-be-erstwhile colleagues. I was hoping for one last entertaining anecdote of Team-Building Terror for the road, but sadly I seem to have finally trained my coworkers to Ixnay on the Upid-stay, and they sent me off with a minimum of corporate-sponsored goodwill. The whole affair consisted of Thai food and a decorative box of assorted teas. Nice, really. I wish I could say I�m going to miss this wacky gang, but the very fact that I just used the words �wacky gang� puts that idea to rest with a bullet.

Off to the weekend I go! I�ve got The Exorcist to watch for the second time this month, and I plan to engage the adorably frumpily-sweatered clerk at the cult video shop in much nerdy banter about primo slasher flicks. Life, where art thou?

Today�s entry brought to you by Excessive Hyphenation.

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