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Good news: as of yesterday, my sister has been hired back at her old welding job. Thank. Fucking. God. This is the part in the movie of my life where the sun breaks streaming through the clouds and the Hallelujah Chorus plays on the soundtrack. This means that Sis is at home during the day, when I am at work, and at work during the evenings, when I am at home. Apart from the weekends, we won�t see each other at all, which is good because having to deal with other human beings after being in the office all day makes me crazy like a motherfucker. This also means that she has income again, which is a definite plus on the bill-paying front.

Here in office-land, things are a little less convivial: our brand spanking new assistant started yesterday, and Stupidhead has, inevitably, come down with a mean case of the Lazies (disguised as a sinus infection), leaving me to do the work of three people while simultaneously training the new girl. This is having a decidedly dampening effect on my good spirits, such as they are. I am the world�s worst trainer: things make sense in my head, but when I open my mouth to convey information there is suddenly no sense to be found and I find myself on these incomprehensible, tangential tirades (��oh, except when it�s branch-specific�then you have to close the electronic folder yourself�but don�t worry about that unless we don�t have a paper copy to PA�what was I talking about?�) and I get a headache and nobody learns anything. Right now I�ve got the poor thing holed up in her office doing pointless busy work. I�m at a complete loss as to what to have her do. I�m tempted to tell her to surf the internet for a few hours and go home early � then she�d really get a grasp of the �work� that goes on �round these parts.

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