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OK, my job doesn�t suck that badly: while it might blow goats in a metaphorical way, at least it never does so literally. Never let it be said I don�t have a sense of perspective.

My job would suck much less, however, if I could make my boss walk the plank: Yarr! Talk Like a Pirate � the biggest thing since walking like an Egyptian. (Be sure to check out t� translator, mateys!)

Advance apologies for the paucity of wit hereabouts for the next little while. I�m mucking around in Photoshop all day like a happy pig in shit. New template ho! Avast! However, once I�ve tinkered with the layout to my heart�s content, I promise to tickle your fancies with many a heartwarming tale of my sister, who is now fucking the next-door neighbors. Oh yes she is.

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