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Last night on the way home I was walking behind a guy wearing baggy jeans, sneakers, a backwards baseball cap and a sports jersey with the sleeves ripped out. Not much to remark upon there � pretty run-of-the-mill bad taste. Until I passed the guy, and realized that he was like FIFTY. Seriously. Here�s a quick fashion rule of thumb: if you�re experiencing male pattern baldness, it does not behoove you to run around dressed like Dennis the Menace.

Next: read this. Go read it, right now. This is funny on so many levels. First of all, the crack team of bartenders, who, upon watching their patrons consume shooters and then be rapidly trundled off to the emergency room, decided to get to the bottom of things by SAMPLING THE "LIQUOR" THEMSELVES. This is aces. Obviously they missed the �don�t be a fucking retard� lesson in bartending school. Secondly, the fact that the cure for drinking antifreeze is apparently to DRINK WHISKEY. This is something I will keep in mind for those nights when I am too skint to fund my drinking habit: one quick stop at the gas station and I�ll be whisked off to a lovely clean bed, wherein I shall be attended all evening by nurses bearing fine Irish malt.

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