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Viva long weekend! Over which I did a whole lotta nothin�, and lo, it was good. Yesterday was spent in the designated holiday-Monday position, curled in the fetal position on the couch, racked with the after-effects of fine British ale and Jagermeister. Or, more specifically, Jagermeister and Diet Vanilla Coke: cocktail of champions! And, cocktail of those who enjoy spending the morning hours in paroxysms of self-loathing!

If you notice a worrying decline in the use of the word �fuck� around here, it�s because my parents have now officially seen my website (because of this damn thing). Surprisingly, I was not immediately disinherited. However, to keep myself in the running for the Smith family fortune, I suppose I�ll have to refrain from talking about my secret life as a Scheize film star. Poop. (Or, I mean, no poop! No poop at all! Around here! No sir!) My dad, oddly enough, was particularly amused by this entry. Now you SEE why I am LIKE THIS.

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