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I�m playing hooky from work today. Ostensibly, I'm doing it so I can finally apply for Ontario health care coverage: since health care is a government-provided service, any actual �service� is provided at the most inconvenient possible time and place (the Ministry of Health office is actually located in a tiny cave on the far side of a bottomless gorge, guarded by a multi-headed beast � during office hours only, naturally), so, ironically, I had to call in sick to go line up for an hour to get my health care card. Of course, the real reason for my truancy is sheer unmitigated sloth. Viva sloth! My Seven Deadly Sins quota has been veering a little heavily towards wrath lately, so I thought I�d better make it up with some dedicated arsing off. I wandered down to the Market to get a plateful of vegan chocolate cake, so I suppose I�m multitasking with sloth and gluttony. I�m the best sinner EVER! (Woo! Pride too!)

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