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Yesterday I slept in �till noon, then got up and had a beer for breakfast. It was like I was in art school again! Then I went on a cleaning jag, paper towel in one hand and Smithwicks in the other; then I celebrated my burst of productivity by having six more beers (ever notice that the only things I bother to hypertext are beers, bars and bands? Yep, I majored in the three Bs in college). I capped off my day with a metric ton of Chinese takeout. A Sunday well spent, I daresay.

Today I feel like ass. I feel like a sculpture of ass, carved out of ten pounds of shit. Which is so completely unfair � by all natural law I should not be hung over. I stopped drinking before eight PM, ate a full meal, drank lots of water, had a couple of Aspirin, and went to bed early like a responsible adult (and not at all like someone who had been drinking since noon). I think my liver needs a good talking-to, because it is obviously not aware of the rules. Oh well. At least I have a nice clean toilet to puke in. (I�m kidding. I didn�t clean the toilet.)

On a serious note: poor Wesley. I wish I�d gone to see him when I had the chance.

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