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At the pub the other night I was treated to the musical stylings of a sort of ad hoc barbershop quartet, consisting of four drooling louts in backwards baseball caps pounding their fists on the bar and bellowing out garbled renditions of �classic� rock tunes. What they lacked in musicality, accuracy and higher brain function they more than made up for in braying enthusiasm. Much to my chagrin, I am now possessed of an extremely unwelcome familiarity with the refrain to �American Pie,� which they belted with extra verve to make up for their slurring botch-up of the rest of the song. This little performance lasted much longer than its novelty value, and the words �take it eeeeeaaaaasy� were beginning to have rather the opposite effect on me. Fortunately, the epic draughts of piss macrobrew lager these dapper gents were quaffing kicked in before the tic in my eye became permanent, and one by one their deceptively large heads drooped to the bar like overripe fruit heavy on the branches. I don�t really have a point with this anecdote. Oh wait, here�s one: people are fucking idiots. As you were.

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