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Sleepy today, and mildly hung over. �Sfunny, I�m almost in a better frame of mind when I�m sleep-deprived and alcohol-poisoned, as though self-imposed suffering were the most natural state of affairs for me. Or maybe the sensation just makes me nostalgic for art school; who knows.

I got my ironic jollies last night in a dive pub featuring cafeteria-style tables and vinyl seat covers. (Why waste money on ambiance? Just bring me my beer in a plastic bucket! Raar!) The bar also had one of those video trivia games set up, and there was the obligatory table of guys taking the whole thing way too seriously; one fellow carried on ad nauseam like the bastard spawn of Cliff Claven and Rain Man, nearly coming to puny blows with his cohorts over who won some Pulitzer Prize or other (�I disagree with you absolutely. Absolutely.�). At one point they were arguing vociferously over some abstruse nugget of trivia, the answer to said conundrum being either Vincent Price or Charles Bronson. Muh?? My mind boggles at the thought of a question to which those two individuals leap to mind as the obvious answers. Perhaps: What actor is least likely to have ever, had the opportunity arisen, become a member of Menudo? Or: What actor would have been the single most amusing alternate choice for Leonardo DiCaprio�s role in What�s Eating Gilbert Grape?

P.S. OK kiddo, you asked for it: J eats donkey balls! Take that!

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