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Weekend was aces � spent yesterday afternoon drinking beer and watching Jackass � the Movie. Yes, it was indeed a lowbrow rodeo. The beer was Newcastle, though, so my cultural integrity didn�t plummet TOO far. Had a drop of Bud Light crossed my lips, I fear I�d have devolved into a �Woo!�-shouting subhuman. (Right after I�d tossed my fucking cookies, of course. Bud Light! Ha! That�d be the fucking day.)

Jackass. Fuck. What can I say? Yeah, immature blah, lowest-common-denominator blah, setting-a-bad-example-for-children BLAH. I make no excuses: watching a midget KICK HIMSELF IN THE FUCKING HEAD is guaranteed to make me lose my shit. I laughed so hard my stomach still hurts. Now if you�ll excuse me, I have to go body-check a coworker into the recycling bin. And then kick him in the balls.

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