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Monday morning�I've got all the pith and verve of a wrung-out dishrag today, seeing as Ottawa feels of late like the interior of a recently-used gym sock. The weekend found me breaking out in a sweat following such strenuous activities as lying on the couch and breathing. I fairly bounded out of bed this morning at the prospect of coming to work in this air-conditioned oasis; or would have, did the punishing heat in my bedroom not prohibit anything quite so energetic as �bounding.� Good thing there�s no taxing activity taking place thereabouts these days.

This isn�t a real Monday, however � tomorrow is a holiday in la belle province du Qu�bec, and seeing as that is where I work, I won�t be doing so. It�s St Jean Baptiste Day, whatever the hell that is. I remember from my days of living on this side of the border that it has something to do with making a fantastic ruckus while waving the Qu�bec flag out the window of your Trans Am with one arm and drinking a Fin du Monde, smoking, and driving with the other. �Distinct Society� indeed. Anyway, more Wednesday. I�d update from home, but I think my computer melted.

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