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Last night, while I was walking the shrill, rat-like creatures whose care had been inexplicably entrusted to me, my shoe broke. I was wearing sandals, and the top part just popped off the sole, leaving me to hobble back to the apartment, outpaced by a pair of �dogs� with legs like furry toothpicks. This irks me, putting, as it does, a crimp in my plans to spend exactly zero dollars this summer. I�ve been Dickensian in my poverty, continuing to wear a bra that offers �support� as though it were a UN council and my boobs were the big ol� gun-toting USA (big guns indeed � I nearly put my eye out running for the bus); and, upon being faced with a dearth of groceries, making use of the giant bag of barley that I bought sometime far in the shadowed past, presumably on some passing whim to eat health food. BARLEY! What the holy hell does one do with barley, exactly? I�ve only ever seen it in soup. Anyway, I put some of it in a pot with water and boiled it, and it got really really big and then sat in my fridge for a week. I feel healthier already.

So, I guess it�s off to Payless this weekend, in keeping with the spirit of economy and pathos. A girl can�t wear combat boots all summer. Well, a girl can, actually, and this girl in fact has, along with a leather jacket, but now that I�m not seventeen anymore, cooler heads, and feet, shall prevail. I�ll pay twenty bucks for some wretched plastic things that will slice the tops of my feet to fillets and promptly fall apart as soon as they become comfortable.

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