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Classic moment of the weekend: at a barbeque deep in a labyrinthine warren of suburban hell, standing around awkwardly as is my wont, I overheard the tail end of a sentence: ��and doing children�s theatre hung over is NOT a good idea.�

I chimed in with reckless abandon: �Yeah, it should be done as God intended � freaked out on amphetamines.� Blank stare. ��Uh, because, I don�t know how else kid�s show hosts can be so fucking perky. It just isn�t natural.� Forced laughter.

Of course I discover later on that the guy does children�s theatre for a living. Ha ha! Go me! I have an almost preternatural talent for saying exactly the wrong thing. I�m like Rain Man with social faux pas. �Oh, you�re NOT pregnant? Definitely. Definitely not pregnant.�

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