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Know what�s good? Almond tea with chocolate soy milk. Know what I might do after I finish this one? Have another, that�s what! I�m crazy today!

Speaking of crazy, chocolatey goodness isn�t my only motivation for having a cup of scalding hot liquid close at hand today. One more idiot stick request and I�m going for the face. �Um, can you find a briefing note for me? It was approved�in the last year, I think. No, I don�t know the subject. No, I don�t know the tracking number. But I know it was written on paper. [splash!] �.AAAAAUUUUUGH, MY FACE! I�M A FREAK! A FREEEEAAAAAK! YOU�LL PAY FOR THIS, MARK MY WORDS!�

And then, Ottawa will be up one hideously deformed super-villain! And every town needs a hideously deformed super-villain!

Whilst taking a break from creating a niche market for vigilante philanthropists in unitards, I managed to whip my lazy self into shape this morning and give DH Lawrence a solid drubbing over on Classic My Ass. Clicky-click!

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