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Urgh! Gag! I had a coworker in my office this morning wearing so much perfume I could literally taste it when I opened my mouth to talk to her. I tell ya, that was the only taste going on anywhere near this woman. And of course the smell hung around like an unwanted guest for an hour after she left. That�s like an olfactory crime against humanity. I should call AmStanky International. I live in fear that this shit will rub off on me, and that someone will catch a whiff of the nasty crap on my clothes and think I have deliberately applied it to my person. As a precautionary measure, I should have a T-shirt made up reading �I�m Not French�.

And speaking of my perpetually-increasing revulsion at the human race, someone linked to this site yesterday from a search for �sister saw me wank�. Good lord, you sick fuck. Where did your mother go wrong? You make baby Jesus cry!

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