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Dude. I caved. I joined Friendster. Y�all gotta come make me feel popular! I crave validation! If a bunch of people I�ve never met don�t write �Robin rocks� in what amounts to a cyber-yearbook, I have failed as a human being! I WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND!

Man. You know when you�re about to open a door, and you reach for the handle, and someone on the other side pushes it open just as you lean forward, and you have to jump back to keep from getting nailed in the face? Yeah. And what is the door-opener expected to do in this situation, despite the fact that it�s nobody�s fault? That�s right �APOLOGIZE. Just to maintain that veneer of civility between strangers, without which the world would crumble into COMPLETE ANARCHY. The chick in the bathroom just now? Who nearly bashed me unconscious with the door? Did not apologize. She is SO not my Friendster. Fuckass bitch.

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