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I just came up from the food court here in the Government Uber-plex in which I work. There�s a big sign posted, warning patrons that smoking will no longer be allowed as of next week.

Have I mentioned that I work in Qu�bec?

This isn�t going to go over well. Forbidding francophones to smoke in a mall food court is like forbidding them to pray in church (where they also like to smoke, might I add). Frenchies like smoking almost as much as they like not bathing and pissing off Americans, bless their hearts.

In other news of Why People Suck, Canada Post has done it again. Their crack team of mail-carrying specialists has once again failed to master the intricate procedure known as �delivering a package�. Once again, upon finding me absent (at eleven AM on a Thursday � whoda thunk?), rather than go to the immense trouble of writing up a delivery notification and carrying all 0.8 pounds of the package ALL the way back to the safety of the post office, my intrepid and not at all overpaid mailman opted instead to drop my BIRTHDAY GIFT FROM MY PARENTS on the FLOOR in the HALLWAY of a building that employs security measures comparable to those found in a damp cardboard box. Although I am heartened by the faith my postman apparently places in the general benevolence of mankind, sadly, the sanctity of the federal mail and the concept of personal property were again insufficient in stopping some walking pile of feces from walking stinkily off with my package. Which included a check. Which I could REALLY have used.

Can just anyone go on a killing spree in a post office, or do you have to be union?

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