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OK, I feel like ass on a stick. And I�m not even hung over, which is TOTALLY unfair. I can put on a brave face when my misery is self-inflicted, but actually being under attack by ill-intentioned microbes makes me very cranky indeed � not least because I never really get SICK. I get that yucky, achy, sore throat-y, �coming down with something� feeling for two days, but I never get the payoff of actually COMING DOWN WITH SOMETHING and having to stay home curled up in bed eating comfort food. Damn you, superhuman immune system!

And NOW I�ve been roped into going to a meeting in the place of a coworker who is�you guessed it�OFF SICK. Is this my karmic spanking for using my sick days to nurse my more virulent hangovers? Damn you, office karma!

I�ll be shaking my fist at the sky a lot today, I can tell. It�s the only thing to be done.

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