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It�s March! Hooray for March! Although it�s still minus sixteen plus X-treme Windchill out there (I fear that the combined efforts of TSN and Vin Diesel have rendered me permanently incapable of using the word �extreme� without irony), the knowledge that spring is officially only three weeks away helps keep me just this side of the �accessorizing with tinfoil� border of sanity.

I�m the boss of my little sandbox at work for the next few days. That means that my power and paycheque will go up by an increment so small that an electron microscope could barely detect it; by contrast, my aggravation level will rise high enough to register on the Richter Scale. It�s enough to make me want to abuse that tiny morsel of power like a coked-up dominatrix, I tell ya. My lily-white hands and the photocopier buttons? Never the twain shall meet! Suck on THAT, admin monkey bitches!

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