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I�m going to annoy myself even further by continuing to bitch about the weather. I wish I could just buck up and ignore it, but it WILL persist in making a nuisance of itself, this time by threatening the well-being of my friend in Toronto. Toronto transit, apparently, can�t be fucked to provide heating in their subway stations, nor can they be bothered to make sure the subways, buses, and streetcars are running on time. Hey, no big deal! It�s only a cold front! It�s only a CANADIAN cold front! Minus forty with windchill? No problemo, right? No need for any extraordinary measures, like ensuring that people aren�t waiting in an unheated shelter for half an hour! They have toques! They�ll be fine.

Except NOT. Assholes. My friend had to catch a cab last night because she was seriously concerned about her health after being outside for over an hour making her transfers. She got home in such a bad state that it took her five hours to stop shivering. The city of Toronto has actually gone so far as to issue a cold weather advisory. Very big of them, really. �Hey folks � it�s cold out there! You might want to just quit your jobs and stay home, because darned if we�re going to help you out!� Mel Lastman is probably working on getting his neck a deeper shade of red in Bermuda right now. (I just hope there aren�t any of those wacky black people there!)

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