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Well, as they say, the road to Hell is paved with yesterday�s entry. Funny thing � on my way to the couch last night, fully intending to spend my evening in dignified and contemplative solitude, darned if I didn�t accidentally slip and fall on a bottle of Australian chardonnay. Heh. Miraculously enough, at the merest suggestion of the idea of libations of the wassailing variety, my stomach bug was healed as though by the hand of the Lord. I expect a train of devout pilgrims to begin assembling at my apartment door any second now. Bearing offerings, if they know what�s good for them.

I was reluctantly convinced to attend a house party, populated by some of the very finest specimens of the human race. However, the evening�s scheduled activities included a board game, and as much fun as that promised to be, I was forced to take my bellyful of fermented grapes and make for the nearest tap house. At which, I am pleased to report, the congenial keg-jockeys provided me with the highest quality malt beverages available on the market today. And then some. Until 4:00 in the morning.

Needless to say, I�m opting for a more or less horizontal outlook on things this morning, as my head feels like someone�s been gently prodding it with a live jackhammer. Welcome, 2003.

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