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On Saturday I went to the National Library to see a screening of five Canadian short films, including Sarah Polley�s I Shout Love. Wow. I was totally fucking floored. Watching I Shout Love was like getting kicked in the chest � in a good way. It�s about the end of a relationship; and more broadly, about futility, about struggling for what you love, even when you know you won�t get it. The main characters are played by Kristin Thomson and Matthew Ferguson, and they both deserve big fat kudos. Thomson in particular is riveting. The word �intense� usually makes me roll my eyes so hard I fall over, but it applies here. This is Sarah Polley�s second project as writer/director, and if this is what she�s producing at the ripe old age of 23, I can�t wait to see what�s coming. She turned down the role of Penny Lane in Almost Famous to work on stuff like this, and might I just say, Sarah, you fucking rule.

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