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Yeah, so the movie I saw the other day was The Cooler, which was really enjoyable, except for the unmitigated horror of William H. Macy�s graphic sex scenes. See, the words �William H. Macy� and �graphic sex scenes� should not ever, ever be in the same sentence together. They should not, in fact, be in the same room together. I�d even venture to say that they�d be better off on separate continents entirely. Dear William H. Macy: For the love of everything holy, please, please PUT IT AWAY.

Alec Baldwin also appeared, thankfully fully clothed, and he was actually quite good. Again, the proximity of the phrases �Alec Baldwin� and �quite good� is startling � certainly not something I expected to hear myself say, except perhaps in sentences like, �The movie was quite good after they killed off the stupid Alec Baldwin character,� or maybe, �That Alec Baldwin pot pie was quite good!� But I have to admit, he did a great job in this film. He hit just the right note between �evil� and �pathetic�, which is a tough trick indeed if you�re not George W. Bush.

For the curious among you, here are some photos of my journeys thus far in the UK. Click the thumbnails for captions and the like. Enjoy.

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