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Today is when reality catches up with me: I'm starting the Great Manchester Job Search. Adding 'job hunting' to my stress list, right under 'moving in with strangers' and 'relocating to a new continent', pretty much guarantees that I will henceforth be a walking bundle of twitching, shrieking nerves. Back in the blurry old days (ie college), I used to deal with this kind of stress by binge drinking. How I miss those times! Now that I'm a responsible adult, I deal with crisis situations in a mature and collected manner, namely by binge eating. I've discovered flapjacks! Not the North American pancake-style flapjack, but the British icing-topped granola-bar-meets-cake, available conveniently at every corner news agent. They will be the downfall of my perfect ass. Alas, my ass! I barely knew ye!

Not much else going is on hold until I secure steady income. I'm watching a lot of Big Brother UK (I blame my housemate), and can only say holy fuck. Did the British invent random cruelty? Because they're fucking ace at it. I am enjoying new, giddy heights of shadenfreude. And pointedly not enjoying the repeated viewings of Emma's Scary Tits. That is all!

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