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Here's a more complete update, as I lounge in the comfort of an internet caf�. I'm settling in fine so far. My house is really nice, as is my housemate/landlord. She was very apologetic about the modest size of my room, but considering that all my belongings are packed in two bags, it's positively palatial. My sad little bundle of clothes barely makes a dent on the top shelf of the wardrobe.

I'm fast rectifying that situation, of course: I've zeroed in with laser-like precision on Manchester's top shopping districts. I really am trying to rein in the consumerist urge until after I find gainful employment, but the finding of said employment will require some snappy interview clothes, no? Hello, credit card.

My neighborhood is very scenic and peaceful; everyone who lives there, except me, seems to have grown up there. My exploratory ventures into the local pubs have been met by open-mouthed gawping: I could scarcely have attracted more attention had I landed in the parking lot in a flying saucer. Even with my tattoos covered, I don't exactly blend.

I'll try to post once more before I'm off for Dublin on Saturday. Ta!

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