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Well, Santa was good to me this year. My parents gave me an $80 gift card at Chapters, so I got to geek out like a kid in a candy store today. I got me some David Sedaris, an E. M. Forster, the one Bronte novel I haven�t read, a biography of George Eliot, and a D. H. Lawrence, so woo! It�s going to be an action-packed couple of weeks! Plus I still have enough left on the card for one more book � or THREE from the bargain classics section. (I�m thrifty like that.) Score. My �to read� pile was actually looking a bit anemic there for a while, but today�s decadent little spree and a couple of charitable donations from friends over the past few weeks have given it a real shot in the arm and it�s back the way I like it, threatening to crash through my floorboards.

So, yesterday didn�t exactly turn out to be the high-brow oasis I�d envisioned. Because, um, there was a �Trading Spaces� marathon on TLC. What�s a girl to do? I ended up sprawled on the couch all day, eating Tofutti Vanilla Almond ice cream out of the tub and screaming things like �TULLE LAMPSHADES?! Sweet screaming baby Jesus, didn�t they teach you anything in fag school?� (See? I had a little Christmas thang going on with my profanity there. Who says I can�t be jolly?)

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