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I know I�ve been woefully remiss in my posting. My only defence is that I�m battening down the hatches, financially speaking, to prepare for some upcoming travel; so on weekends I�ve been doing nothing but watching movies, leaving my brain full of memories of excitement and intrigue and romance, all of it fictitious (and there�s my love life in a nutshell).

At work, I�ve been typing up endless reams of minutes from disciplinary interviews. It appears the company at large is full of people who are either awesomely badly behaved or disturbingly eager to file official complaints about their colleagues. Since, on an average day, I fall into the former category, I am becoming a bit nervous. I think I�ve been reading too much Solzhenitsyn: I�m developing a Soviet mindset of healthy paranoia. I�m keeping a tight watch on what I say, as speaking out against the Collective will not be tolerated! It is the duty of every faithful worker to report the indiscretions of the traitors among us! Enemies of the people will be brought to justice! Folks will snitch about anything around here, from meditating on duty (???) to failing to muster the requisite enthusiasm during mandatory training courses (dude, I don�t stand a chance). I shudder to imagine the penalty for maintaining a website from work. I persist in these underground transmissions to you at my peril. Any day now I expect to be dragged from my desk and interrogated for sleepless days on end: �WHAT IS DIARYLAND? TELL US THE NAMES OF YOUR ASSOCIATES!� I do it all for you, my doves.

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