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This film is very good. Like all worthwhile cinema, it made me face up to some hard questions, like, is it wrong, logistical considerations aside, to lust after a cripple? I think it shows me to be very open-minded and worldly, and a disinterested proponent of the rights of the disabled. If more paralysed blokes looked like James McAvoy, I�d install a wheelchair ramp up to my room. That bed-hoist filled me with all sorts of titillating ideas. Not least among them the idea that I should really try to go on a date now and then. God I hope my mom isn�t reading this.

Speaking of getting a life, I�m debating whether to go to the pub tonight. Being a longtime resident of Portsmouth (seven whole months now), my local is becoming very same-old. Last weekend I got to chatting with a nice fellow, who volunteered that he came to the pub fairly frequently but was not �a real regular like you.� Dear God, I�m twenty-seven years old and I�ve become Mickey Rourke. Perhaps a new watering hole is in order, or at least a disguise.

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