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So, what have I to say to you on this, the glorious commencement of another working week? Not much, I�m afraid. My sister has had her shifts at Ye Olde Welding Shoppe switched to days, which means that we�ll be jockeying for the shower in the mornings, jockeying for the kitchen in the evenings, and driving each other ten flavours of insane at all hours. I swear, this city wants me to leave. Not content with making conditions outdoors completely intolerable (I�m almost beginning to think that the whole concept of �spring� was a wishful hallucination on my part), it has now contrived to make my life indoors intolerable as well. Well, far be it from me not to take the hint. I�m not going to be that sad, pathetic chick getting drunk and calling Ottawa up in the middle of the night, leaving slurred �please just give me one more chance� messages on the answering machine. No sir. When it�s over, it�s over. Ottawa has bitch-slapped me for the last time. I am cutting Ottawa out of all my photos (leaving me with cut-outs of myself on which I can mix and match fun wardrobe ideas!).

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