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I�m taking a stand! I refuse to be cold today! I have fucking had it. My cubicle is home to a localized concentration of paranormal activity: at least, that�s how I choose to explain the fact that my workspace is ten degrees colder than the surrounding area, despite having no door and no fucking ceiling. I wear sweaters to no avail � every day by mid-afternoon, my core body temperature has dropped to medically-worrisome levels, and I spend my working hours hunched over a cup of tea with my hands pulled into my sleeves. My nails, seriously, turn blue. Every day. It�s like working in a Siberian penal colony, except with a dental plan.

But today I pulled out the big guns. Itching be damned: I�m wearing my army sweater. It�s like a cable-knit space suit. This thing would keep me warm on Jupiter. Plus it has epaulettes! And everything is better with epaulettes, no? They�re so handy in those situations where you desperately need to button something to your shoulder.

Anyway. So, I�m natty, stylish and thermally viable today, and that is good. Also, I hope to remain warm for the conceivable future, since this is my last day in this cubicle. We have a new person starting on Monday who will be working directly with the woman sitting across from me, so they�re sending me off to a distant, quiet corner next to a window. Hurrah! Peace, quiet, natural light, and sensation in my extremities: who could ask for more?

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