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The faceless army of Spam dispatchers is becoming cultured, it seems: I was recently sent an ad for �male enhancement� under the subject header �Byzantium.� That�s kind of an abstruse way to sell barely-legal genital enlargement products, isn�t it? �An aged man is but a paltry thing�And therefore I have sailed the seas and come / All over the holy city of Byzantium!�

I do hope the trend catches on of using classical references to sell spurious potency enhancers. The possibilities are endless.

Ozymandias, Wang of Kings: �Look upon my goods, ye mighty, and despair!�

Grecian Urn Eternal Erection: �More happy love! more happy, happy love! / For ever hard and still to be enjoy'd, / For ever panting, and for ever young.�

Cocksley Hall Creme: �In spring, a young man�s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of poon.�

I warn you, I could do this all day.

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