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I am on the road to recovery, illness-wise. Hangover-wise, I�m on the road to perdition. Woe is my liver!

Why start out the week this way, you ask? Blame Calexico. I headed down to Babylon last night around 9:00, having nearly convinced myself that drinking on a Sunday night would be a bad idea. I didn�t quite believe it, though, so I had to put my theory to the test. Many Labatt 50s and a scant night�s sleep later, I have conclusive proof that my initial hypothesis was, in fact, correct. To wit: I hate myself.

I do not hate Calexico. Rather the opposite. They played a Super Mex-tended version of �Stray�, which was cool, and their first encore was a cover of �Love Will Tear Us Apart�, which goes somewhat beyond cool, in my opinion � Mariachi Loungeabilly meets Joy Division? Well played, my friends!

Other highlights of the weekend, in no particular order:

Cute and cuddly!

Gloomy Bears! Hooray! One of the benefits to living in Chinatown is that my (predictable and tiresome) thirst for bizarre Asian toys is more than satiated by the strange little �housewares� shops all over the �hood. I think these guys eat children or some such. Exactly the sort of character I like to cuddle in bed at night.

Next: last night, on the way to the bar, I was passed by a mulleted-and-mustachioed gent on a bicycle. He had a case of beer balanced on the handlebars, and he was pedaling as fast as his tight jeans would allow and singing, at the top of his lungs, �Leavin� on a Jet Plane,� in a �RAWK!� sort of tone usually reserved for karaoke renditions of �Back in Black�. It was GREAT.

My movie list for the weekend was as follows: Candyman, The Exorcist (I will never ever ever get sick of this movie), The People Under the Stairs, and, FINALLY, Lost in Translation, which was exactly as good as everyone has been saying it is, except better. And, yes, that is quite a few horror movies for one weekend; but, as I remarked to the cult-film-store clerk whilst inquiring about the available selection of Fulci films, ��Tis the season for eating brains.� It�s zombies and slashers a go-go straight through October in the Robin household (with occasional breaks in the violence to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. I want to live in Halloween Town!). Recommendations gladly accepted.

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