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While waiting on a street corner on Friday (for the light to change, not for business opportunities, you pervs), I noticed that the person on the opposite corner was looking at a lamppost and laughing. Since she didn�t exhibit any other signs of mental instability, I checked out the lamppost for myself when I crossed the street:

Coolest. Yard sale. EVER.

But did I go? No. For I was too hung over. I am a fool. A fool in dire and obvious need of coolness enhancement.

Perhaps they might even have had a fan for sale. I really am a fool � one who is SO HARDCORE that I will endure thirty-plus degree temperatures and one hundred BILLION percent humidity without so much as a fan, let alone air conditioning. Ottawa feels like a fucking armpit these days, and smells rather less fragrant.

I know I go on about the weather a lot, so I�ll nip this rant in the bud. Suffice it to say, if you don�t hear from me again, it will be because my eyeballs have liquefied to molten goo within their sockets and I can no longer see my computer screen.

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